Sunday, July 15, 2012

Greatest Secret

There is something which has been accepted worldwide, deep inside our heart and mind. It is something, which given an option, no one would ever choose it. It is ruthless. It is unfair. Still it goes on and on, been there for billions & billions of years. It devours everything, absolutely everything that comes its way. There have been Legends, the Greatest of Great Legends. It has eaten them all, spared none. Its Might is unbelievable.

But challenging it is foolish. It is too obvious to challenge. It is useless to challenge. It is the basic law. It is the defining truth. It is the all-pervasive truth. It is there in the conscious. It is there in the subconscious. It is ingrained in our brain, passed from generations to generations. It has become firmer and firmer. It is still the same. 

It is the no-option of going back in time. It is a killer. Who has imposed it? Nature shouldn't be that unfair. Nature can't be that ruthless. It must have left an option, how hard it may be. It may be within us. It may be very easy. It is the greatest secret. It must be unveiled. It must be conquered.